The United States of Coffee formed out a general need to share great cafe locations between traveling friends. It seemed odd to both Aaron and Matt that they could both travel to locations around the country and find amazing places to drink some of the world's best coffees, but it required a fair amount of sleuthing.
After hours spent filtering through yelp to weed out "anyone with an espresso machine", combing through Sprudge's awesome city guides and texting friends the pair decided that it was time to make a resource for coffee-minded travelers.
The United States of Coffee is here to give you a comprehensive list of specialty coffee shops that have either been vetted personally by us OR have been recommended by coffee professionals who have been guests on our podcast 'Tasting Notes'
It is our greatest hope that this website, and its related content, aides you in both consuming amazing coffee while you travel, or are at home, as well as help you develop a greater relationship with the coffee itself. We're not coffee pros, we're just normal people drinking extraordinary coffee, and we're stoked to share our experience with you. Thanks for checking us out. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or just want to drop us a line feel free to do so at contact@statesofcoffee.com Cheers!
-The United States of Coffee Team
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